Monday, May 2, 2011

Monday with Tools and Supplies:

So I don't have a lot of time to work on crafts right now with school taking a priority. I'm working hard to finish up this year of schoolwork so hopefully at my IEP meting I can be cleared to graduate this spring! But in the spare time I do have I've been prepping for all the crafts I'm going to this summer.


 First on the list was beads! They weren't organized well and since so many of them had been used without being replaced they just needed to be sorted again. I have a ton of empty containers to fill with new beads now!
These are mulberry trimmings for a display idea I have. I need a power tool that we need to rent to finish it so for now they're just sitting around in my room.


I built a BBQ! The old one, which you can see on the left side of the third picture here, was almost as old as I was! So after the old BBQ tried to drop burning coals on my Mom's feet, we decided we needed a new one. We put it together the day before Easter and had cooked first meal on it Easter night.


Yard Sales and Estate Sales rock. Recently I got these silly charms, a giant embroidery hoop, these two sets of drawers, and this erm... clothes rack? All of this together cost me maybe $20, if that. My room is also my workspace, so its often messy and it drives me nuts! So I'm working to get more furniture where I can keep things instead of just having things stacked against walls. The drawers we're gonna paint, and the clothing rack [seriously what the hell was this thing intended for?] needs some WD40 and one of the wheels needs to be fixed, but after that its going to come in my room and serve to hold larger blankets and Afghans.


I also bought this. Older ladies labor over these things for hours and then they're left in piles at Estate Sales, under-appreciated, walked past, plucked out of their frames to be left behind in favor of selling the frame, etc. I just can't bare to think about thing like this being lost to the ages. This beautiful piece of art looks much better on my wall than it would in a pile in the dump, and I have a few of these and would really like to start a collection. Art is a treasure and I am happy to preserve what I can.


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