Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Do Something Productive Every Day Project Day Six and Seven:

For this portion of the post, pretend I'm posting this on the 10th, ok?

Today I spent a lot of time sleeping. I didn't sleep well due to thunderstorms. I was up until about 4:00AM, slept until around 5:00AM, and then woke up again some time around 8:00AM. So I spent most of the morning in a sort of "her der" stupor, but after a nice, long nap I felt motivated to do Stuff.

So I did some important, private, internet stuff, and then I worked on the HUGE blanket that's my current project, did the dishes, mopped the counters, brought my clean clothes downstairs, and cleaned up the guest bathroom. I mostly finished the blanket, and was working on putting the finishing touches on it by crocheting a rim around the blanket, but then my Mom suggested we watch the movie Dark Skies, and well... I got a bit sidetracked. :/ [Really interesting movie, by the by.]

Anyway, Today I am doing the border on the blanket, and once I trim the loose ends from it, it will be finished! Then I can stuff it in a very large box and wrap it, so its ready for its trip.

I might do other Productive Stuff today too, so there might be a Day Seven part two post during a more decent hour of the day.

That's all for now!


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